Annual Staff Barbeque & Tennis Finals
September 19, 2019

We had a great night last night at the firm’s barbecue and tennis finals. Winners Lewis and James won the final with Erol and Ian the runners up. The semi final was very closely contested by Batu and Iboki and was certainly the best tennis we have ever seen at at a tournament here. All brilliantly organised by Kim and with the food cooked to perfection by Richard.
David declared the event open a little after 5pm.

The tennis was thrilling – especially when your grandson is winning in the finals – isn’t that right, Mrs. Wright ?

David & his mum prepare for prize giving to the winners.

Mrs. Wright presents the runners up trophy to Erol, Assistant Transport Manager.

Mrs. Wright also presented the runners up trophy to Ian, our Transport Manager.

A hug for the winner – grandson James Wright & Lewis Barclay won the final match – well done.

Lewis with his winners trophy.

& James with his – well played.

Special thanks to Kim for organising the event – pictured here with Iboki who played with Batu in the semi finals.

Huge thanks to Richard for feeding us all with some delicious barbequed food.

All that remains is for the staff to enjoy what is left of a summers evening, talk tennis & enjoy the food!