June 10, 2022

Happy forthcoming Father’s Day. As lockdown eases, this event is definitely a cause for celebration and a great time to make a fuss of Dad. So, let’s do something simply spectacular for this particular Father’s Day. Cupcakes for example, are great for passing around to the family popping in on the day, certainly my favourite type of cake as you do not require a plate or fork, so there is no washing up, and best of all you don’t have to share!

It’s Father’s Day on the 19th of June. If you are still racking your brain for the perfect Father’s Day gift to show him just how much you care – he would love a gift that you made with your own two hands! Nothing shows love like a home baked gift from your kitchen. Our Danish pastry recipe pictured above is dedicated to Father’s & known as Dad’s Danish which is one to surely please him on the day.

Farmhouse Cake seems to be a favourite too – you can make this up quickly and easily with our Madeira mix and, if desired, prior to baking, the cake batter can be sprinkled with some sugar on top for a professional touch. The fact you made it for him, will not only knock his novelty socks off – it will make him feel top of the pops!

Our Stout & Walnut bread recipe is made with our Malty bread mix giving a crunchy texture of malted wheat flakes and a taint of stout to complement it. Super, served with smoked salmon and cheeses.

Thanks to Jacqueline for her cake made from our Chocolate Fudge cake mix with Kit-Kat’s & Bailey’s buttercream with gold chocolate coins on the top & perhaps showing Dad’s favourite tipples! Feeling a bit besotted with the Bailey’s buttercream currently – it is a beautiful cake & a great idea.

So, what will you be baking this Father’s Day? If he is a real sweetie (most of them are) you could bake him a cake or if he prefers savoury then bake him a loaf!

How about creating this unbelievably easy and delicious Sweet Potato, Coconut & Pecan Cake which is created with our Carrot cake mix with grated sweet potato, toasted coconut and pecans and is terribly tasty!

Linda, made this great football cake using 2 packs of our Chocolate Fudge mix in Swiss roll tins, Linda made 4 layers for the football pitch. Covered it in green butter cream and green coloured coconut for the grass.

Our Normandy Bread with it’s anchovies & olives is appealing too – This tasty bread is welcoming when served hot with a Mediterranean dish. It is also excellent when cold, cut into cubes for parties – stick a cocktail stick in a cube and a further olive on the top. Great idea for a Father’s Day party if you want to get together with your siblings & give him a decent shout-out!

Dad will be pleased if presented with a slice of this delicious Norfolk Fruit Cake. It is a lovely moist cake, packed with fruits which can include apricots and cherries. It is a good fruit cake which is traditionally a Ginger base with sultanas, raisins and brazil nuts which give a gorgeous texture to say nothing of the taste!

These Father’s Day cupcakes above, are by Poppy’s Cupcakes & topped with some of Dad’s favourite pastimes.

Charlotte & Harry’s dad, Glenn just loves our Orange Cake – as you can see! This is available in Morrison’s, Tesco’s, Ocado & on-line.

A handsome hunk of a loaf here, our Ham, Apple & Cider loaf made with that marvellous Mixed Grain bread mix of ours. This loaf is sensational when served with a good Ploughman’s Lunch & a quantity of pickle plus plenty of cider to wash it down with!

A Wright’s cake mix and a square cake tin will give you the basis to decorate the cake to create something really special for Father’s Day this year. You can make a copy of Dad’s mobile phone in the form of a cake with Smarties for buttons or dolly mixtures to represent apps. You could also create an MP3 player cake with fruit pastilles on the end of liquorice laces for earphones.
Does Dad barbeque? How about this one from Linda, featuring chicken drumsticks, burgers, sausages and kebabs on the top and a snail, worm and a slightly hungry caterpillar in the grass! Just what would you do for Father’s Day with a cake mix?

You could decorate a square cake with green fondant icing and turn it into a golf course – perfect for afternoon tee! You could form his favourite book, CD or LP! If Dad enjoys his holidays make a Beach cake or if he is a hands on handy Dad – a tool box cake with chocolate shaped tools in. Why not try a football field in his team colours, a filing cabinet or briefcase for an executive Dad. If Dad is a gardener – how about a replica of his garden made as a cake? A Wright’s cake mix and a square cake tin will give you the basis to decorate the cake to create something really special for Father’s Day this year.

To those of you with family members who like a Sunday visit to the pub! Please them with these lovely Lager & Lime mini loaf cakes. This recipe can be used in a mini loaf tin as the image above or as 24 cupcakes or 8 muffins!

Deadly decadent by Deb! Cakes made with our Madeira & Chocolate Fudge mixes creamed in the middle & on the top – served with strawberries and a strawberry sauce or as they are so posh should I call it a jus? These were created as a special treat for Father’s Day – thanks for sharing these delightful desserts!

Just a simple square cake tin and one of Wright’s cake mixes – like the Bowler above & the Toolbox from CakesBy Linzi – just what would you do?
Happy Father’s Day – Deb the Bread