
- Orange Cake Mix 5 x 500g
- Wright's Orange Cake Mix 250g
- 100ml Water
- 30ml Vegetable Oil
- 1 Orange
- 1 packet orange jelly cubes
- 200g dark chocolate
Firstly dissolve the jelly cubes in half the recommended amount of water and squeeze in the juice of an orange.
Pour the jelly into a baking tray that has been lined with clingfilm so that it forms a sheet about a 1/2 cm thick. Put the jelly in the fridge to set.
Preheat the oven to 180ºC.
Grease a muffin tin and spoon in a little of the batter, just enough to just coat the bottom of each indent. Bake the cakes for 10 minutes until golden and springy to the touch.
There will be a little cake mixture left and you can use this to make a few cupcakes when the muffin tin is finished with. You will also have a little of the jelly left too but you can spin this in a food processer and sprinkle the small particles of jelly into the cake mix for more of an orangey burst!
Ease the sponges loose once cooled and then keep them in the tin.
Cut the jelly sheet into discs a little smaller than diameter of the cakes you have baked (try an upturned egg cup for this). Place each jelly onto the centre of each sponge.
Melt the chocolate slowly in a microwave then drizzle the melted chocolate so that it just covers the top of the jelly and the cake in a thin layer.
Wait for the chocolate to set before popping them out of the muffin tins and stacking them ready to enjoy.
I would like to say how much the family and I have enjoyed your recent addition to the range of cake mixes and bread flours. The Orange cake mix is excellent and has proven a real winner here. Also, of all the bread flours I have received, the Oat and Linseed is by far the best. I was away for a week and had to endure shop bought granary loaves. There is no comparison and I now realise that I will have to bake some Oat and Linseed loaves to take away with me on my next holiday (plus some cakes of course!) Once again many thanks for an excellent service and quality of your goods. It won't be long before another order is on its way to you.
Dr. E.J. Roberts
When Jaffa Cakes were on The Great British Bake Off as a technical challenge, I knew it would not be long before someone came up with a great recipe for home made Jaffa Cakes. The lovely thing about this classic is that it is chocolatey, very orangey and when made with half a pack of our Orange Cake Mix they taste even better! When you make your own, you can even play around with the flavours of the jelly and sponge - so give it a go with our Orange Cake Mix as a base! Deb the Bread