
- Ginger Cake Mix 5 x 500g
- Wright’s Ginger Cake Mix 500g
- Water 200ml
- Oil 60ml
- Porridge Oats 100g
- Treacle 2 tablespoons
- Golden Syrup 4 tablespoons
Method (Makes 1 unit – 12 portions)
Place the all the ingredients under cake into a bowl and beat for 1-2 minutes to form a smooth batter.
Pour into a well-greased pre lined 23cm (9inch) square cake tin.
Bake in a preheated oven 170°C (340°F) gas mark 3 for 40-45 minutes until firm to the touch.
Leave in the tin to cool before turning out.
Wrap in baking parchment and then foil. Keep up to a week till it becomes sticker and softer.
Just a quick message to say how impressed I am with your cake mixes ESPECIALLY the ginger one. It really is a great store cupboard item needing only oil and water-hardly any good cake mixes require that little (and cost a lot more). To make this mix extra special I add finely chopped walnuts and 3 finely chopped stem ginger. The cake tastes superb and lasts for ages. So, in these miserable times, thank you for your little touch of the warmer climes!
Sue Lindsay
The word parkin was a popular surname in Yorkshire and means Peter. There are other parkins – such as Lancashire parkin – but it doesn't contain oats. Parkin is an age-old cake featuring oats and treacle/molasses to create a sticky, chewy cake with a deeply robust flavor that only improves with time! Traditionally, it requires no decoration but I have sliced one, spread it with ginger jam and a vanilla butter icing - yes, it was delicious.