
- Plain Flour 1.5kg
- 200g Wright’s plain flour
- 150ml of milk
- 150ml of water
- 3 eggs
- A pinch of salt
- & a little fat from the meat or tablespoon of oil
Place the flour in a bowl and stir in the eggs, followed by the milk & water. Start mixing with a spoon but swap this for a balloon whisk and beat until smooth. Cover and chill to rest the batter for at least half an hour, then add a splash of fat from the meat or add a tablespoon of oil which is supposed to create a crispier Yorkshire Pud. Heat your oven to 220c (200c for fan) or gas mark 7 and warm the tins. Quickly grease them – usually by wiping an oil soaked piece of kitchen towel around the inside of your tins. Fill a 6-hole large muffin tin a or 17cm tin with the batter and bake immediately in the upper middle part of your oven for 25-30 minutes – longer for the 17cm round tin. The puddings should be well risen, browned and cooked all the way through.
Hi Deb, Many congratulations to you and Richard and all at Wright’s for winning the award for the orange cake mix. Well done. Your mixes are the best on the market for quality and taste, that's why for years I have only used yours. Best Wishes,
The addition of a splash of fat from the meat or by adding a tablespoon of oil to the batter is supposed to create a crispier Yorkshire Pud. Try it next time. #YorkshirePuddingDay is on the first Sunday of February each year.
Deb the Bread