Wright’s Staff Party – Celebrating 150 Years of Milling.
September 10, 2017

We had a wonderful staff party organised for us by our fantastic Finance Director, Lottie and her team.
There was so much attention to detail at our party – even the bunting had our logo on!
Our Director’s looked relaxed as we all enjoyed, speeches by David Wright and Alan Cave.
After the speeches it was time for a few drinks! Cheers.
We had a lovely vintage tea room set up to enjoy! A wandering poet entertained us enormously, along with a magician and a jazz band!
It was lovely to see past members of staff like Chris Wyle, Pam & Malcolm Naylor and Steve Butler.
Chris Dickinson & Nick Donovan came to celebrate with us – also ex employees & our lovely Lesley Morris who also assisted in the organisation of the party is below:
David’s speech at the staff party reflected on 150 years of trading – thanking staff, past & present – oh presents! He was given an oak tree to celebrate the occasion.
Retired member of staff Charlie Taverner said a few words too. Now aged 94, he started work here in 1956 until 1981. There is a obviously a great deal to say when you have been trading 150 years!
Of course there was cake! Cut by David and his mother, Margaret Wright.
David’s Angels? Yes, they are at work but after a few drinks at the staff party to celebrate 150 years of trading – they turn into little devils! Lottie had organised a popular photo booth amongst other entertainment for the evening
& your home baking club team had fun in the booth too!