
- Madeira Cake Mix 5 x 500g
- Wright's Madeira Cake Mix (1/2 a pack) 250g
- Wright's Ginger Cake Mix (1/2 a pack) 250g
- White Flour 50g
- Mixed Spice 3g
- Chopped and Stoned Dates 90g
- Chopped Walnuts 90g
- Vegetable Oil 60ml
- Water 200ml
Lightly blend all the dry ingredients, the cake mixes, chopped dates and chopped walnuts together in a mixing bowl.
Add the Vegetable Oil and Water and mix to form a batter.
Pour into a well-greased large (2lb) loaf tin (or alternative use a paper liner).
Bake in the oven at 160-170C (325-340°F Gas Mark 3-4) for approximately 55 – 60 minutes.
Allow to cool.
Jazzed up your ginger cake mix with some chopped up dates and a handful of walnut was scrummy and gone in two nights. Your cake mixes are wonderful and so easy to make.
An old family favourite and a great base to a home made Simnel cake at Easter or a twist on a Tunis cake for Mother's Day. Deb the Bread