
- Madeira Cake Mix 5 x 500g
- Wright’s Madeira Cake Mix 425g
- Water 170ml
- Oil 50ml
- Rhubarb (finely sliced) 100g
- Gin 75ml
- Stem Ginger (Finely Chopped) 5 balls
- Topping:
- Wright’s Madeira Cake Mix 75g
- Butter 25g
- Porridge Oats 100g
I have made coffee and walnut cakes, cherry almond and marzipan cakes, and lemon drizzle cakes with the Madeira mix, along with loads of buns.
Nichola Kirkham
As Enfield’s oldest business, we like local company’s and used Old Bakery Gin in this recipe. This distillery is in nearby Palmers Green and like parts of our mill, are listed by Enfield Council to be ‘Heritage Buildings of historic interest’. In late 2013, The Old Bakery Gin Distillery, regretfully had to remove the wonderful 140ft Bakery brick chimney as the chimney structure was unsafe, in doing so, they discovered that 100+ years ago the old bakery had a secret …….they made illegal Gin! Now they make it on the right side of the law and delicious it is too!