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School’s Out with a bread making class

July 11, 2019

School’s Out with a bread making class

It’s all about keeping the kids entertained this summer – try family picnics and tasty recipes they’ll love. As we mentioned in our blog article last month, the best tip is to keep the kids involved – if they have grown it, picked it, helped to stir it, made it or decorated it – they will want to eat it. If they have helped to pick strawberries for you to make jam to pop on your homemade scones – it’s jam they have had a hand in & they will want to try it.

So, how did the students at our local Highams Park School in E4 get on with our Ciabatta bread mix? The students are 12-13 years old and made our Ciabatta bread mix up with added extras (pumpkin, sunflower and poppy seeds or sundried tomatoes & herbs) as the photos show below:

The students created a variety of dough shapes using our Ciabatta.
Once risen, the Ciabatta dough was sprinkled with their choice of seeds. If you sprinkle seeds on before the dough is risen, they tend to ping off during the rising process.
A little wash with egg & milk creates a gorgeous golden colour when baked – the boys are clearly looking forward to a taste of their baked goodies!
Kneading the dough – oh let me have a go!
A seriously seedy loaf with some sundried tomato studded rolls.
Gorgeously, golden baked Ciabatta shapes.
The students produced some really rusticky rolls from an array of shapes & toppings.

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