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Recently baked by you at home

May 26, 2021

Recently baked by you at home

There has been a lot of inspirational ideas baked by you at home recently, for us all to enjoy, using our brilliant bread & clever cake mixes.

We are featuring this is a lovely looking cake made by Ann for her work colleague’s birthday – using 2 of our Chocolate Fudge cake mixes. Because of the ease & convenience of these cake mixes, as many of you keep pointing out to me, with a great baked cake – you can spend more time on the decorating as Ann did with her Kit-Kat, Maltesers, Galaxy Minstrels & white + milk chocolate buttons arrangement here!

Thanks Paulette for choosing our Chocolate Fudge cake mix. Paulette added three bananas that looked a bit sorry for themselves. Then added, as instructed, the oil and water & popped it in her fan assisted oven for 55 minutes. Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful Banana Chocolate Cake with us.

Thanks Caz – your Cheddar & Sun-Dried Tomato loaf looks lovely with its clever cheese topping – thanks so much for using our mix which Caz very kindly says that she loves anyway! 

Margaret makes just two muffins with 100g of our cake mix, using our Orange mix. 1 teaspoon oil & the reduced amount of water.  Margaret added chocolate chips before popping them into the oven for 15-20 minutes.  She confessed that she has to do it this way other wise if she used the whole pack to create her muffins, she would eat the lot! These were enjoyed with her mid-morning coffee & it is nice not to use the whole pack at once as you always have a freshly baked cake!  

Oh Nick – that Focaccia looks fabulous.  Using our Garlic & Rosemary Focaccia mix, Nick added some fresh rosemary from his herb garden to accompany it – thanks.

Presenting Christine’s bakes – our Ginger cake mix with added coconut – nice! Plus a Cheese and Onion bread mix, that she made in her bread machine. Both said to have turned out beautifully and taste amazing. Christine liked Paulette’s Chocolate Banana Cake (mentioned above) & said “I’ll be adding some banana to the Chocolate Fudge cake mix another time – great idea”. Thanks but I bet your cake above was coconutastic!

We were honoured to have Diane’s Maids of Honour sent in to us. A lovely old, classic recipe that has worked wonderfully with our Madeira cake mix, topping her pastry base with jam & only using half a pack of the mix too! Thanks so much.

No time? No problem – Claire popped a quarter of a pack of our Ginger mix in her microwave! What a gorgeous little, sweet treat. Something just for the 2 of you to share or a quick treat for an unexpected guest – just a handful of sultanas were thrown in & a little syrup thrown on top. I love these quick recipes that you can just throw together!

Having seen Claire’s microwave recipe using our Ginger mix – Terry also had a go, creating a superb sponge – using just half a pack this time, with half the water & oil we recommend, plus a handful of sultanas – just 4 minutes in the microwave and dessert is served! Thanks Terry.

Thanks so much to Richard for using our superb Strong White flour to create 2 beautiful boules, simply shaped in a banneton basket, before proving & baking.

Not sure what angle this is taken from but it’s our Chocolate Fudge mix created as a tray bake just finishing off in the Chataboutcakes oven – it looks like a whopper and has baked up beautifully!

Claire has created these gorgeous mini garlic dough balls with our Mixed Grain bread mix!  Beautiful when brushed with garlic butter straight from the oven & they work as an awesome accompaniment to so many meals.  Fancy a go? Just keep the dough balls small to start with, like the size of a golf ball as they soon prove up prior to baking.

Another Orange Cake – must have been our top seller this month! This was made by Ian in his bread making machine & said to be “scrumptious!”

Christine is “trying really hard to diet” and her hubby bakes a fabulous loaf from our Mixed Grain bread mix! I had to explain that bread is just a medium calorie food & to go easy on the spread and fillings that you have with your bread. Remember that bread is a low fat, highly nutritious food packed with B-vitamins, calcium and iron.

Another from Terry and this does look nice – his first, rich Norfolk fruit cake from the recipe on our website. Terry said “This is absolutely the best fruit cake I have eaten, I am making another 2 to hand out to family and friends” Very generous of you – this fabulous fruit cake has a base, best created with our Ginger cake mix with sultanas, raisins and brazil nuts.  The recipe Terry used is on the link here – thanks.

Similar to our featured image is Pauline’s Chocolate Fudge cake, made with our mix and decorated delightfully with a mixture of white & milk chocolate buttons with white & milk chocolate fingers – easy on the eye & far too easy to eat I should imagine! Thanks

Sorry you didn’t have enough cases for muffins today Chris, but two 1lb size cake tins nicely did the job. Chris baked them for just 40 minutes, due to their smaller size. The mix was our trusty Orange Cake Mix and he added some cherries! Perfect – maybe one for now & one for later!

Deb the Bread

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